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COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Nations FC Donates To Selected Schools in Bosomtwe District

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In a commendable show of community spirit, Nations FC, fresh off a successful season in the Ghana Premier League, has made significant contributions to football development in the Bosomtwe District.

The club donated sets of jerseys, footballs, and an undisclosed amount of money to three selected schools: Touch A Life Foundation, Swedru DA Primary & KG, and Jakye Senior High School.

This initiative is part of the club’s ongoing community engagement efforts and aims to strengthen ties with local fans. It also serves as a platform for gathering feedback following the team’s first season in the Premier League.

Club President Divine Kyei Boadu highlighted the importance of the initiative, stating, “As part of our corporate social responsibility and our commitment to juvenile football development in the Bosomtwe District and Ghana as a whole, management decided to donate these items to the schools in our community as a token of our support. We believe this will significantly aid the schools in their football development. The club will continue to provide support, and we are excited to engage with the community, which is a core aspect of our values and objectives.

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Accompanying the President during the donation were Vice President Paul Kyei-Baffour, CEO Kwame Twumasi-Danquah, Brands and Marketing head Kennedy Boakye Ansah, and five first-team players led by the Captain, Emmanuel Boahene.

The recipient schools expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the team for the generous gesture, promising to make good use of the donated items.

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